Github Remotes

Earlier in my education when I was coding in C++, I was using Subversion for version control (specifically TortoiseSVN). SVN worked well enough, and in class we were able to share code for the different projects we were working on effectively. But since then, for better or worse, the world has moved on to Git. You can read about the differences on countless websites, like here, so I won’t get into it.

For most of my efforts learning web development, I’ve been using Github. It’s the go-to destination for uploading, revisioning, and sharing code. A remote on Github is just a repository stored on their servers. You code locally on your machine - or your cloud IDE - and push code from your local repo to your remote. Because I’ve been coding in multiple development environments, this has made keeping code consistent relatively easy.

Earlier when I was using SVN, I didn’t create multiple branches to develop different feature sets without breaking the master, something I try to do now when using Git. I’ve come to find that both systems offer great functionality, but your own practices for managing your code will ultimately make the most difference.

You can take a look at my repos here on Github.

Mitul Mistry

Mitul Mistry
I’m Mitul Mistry, a full-stack developer and designer. Contact me here:

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