Intro to Angular

Using a combination of Rails templates and jQuery, we can create a decent interactive front end for our applications. But this process can quickly become ugly and limited, devolving into a mess of ERB tags and JavaScript functions. This is one of the reasons for the evolution of front end frameworks, one of them being the Google backed Angular JS.

Angular exists to help developers build single-page applications. It provides structure and tools to help solve common problems without having to reinvent the wheel with every application.

Without JavaScript and JS frameworks, everything is rendered on the server. For example, through the MVC paradigm of Rails, the controller renders a view and sends it back as a response. But if you want to make make small changes and see different results - such as adjusting the price range while shopping for a product - you would have to initiate a page reload with every request.

With Angular, not only does it handle routing so you can load different pages without a page reload, it allows you to build dynamic views that react to your input spontaneously.


While Rails utilizes the MVC paradigm - model, view controller - Angular utilizes MVVM - model, view, viewmodel. The controller is replaced with the viewmodel, which is responsible for all view logic.

Data Binding

In order to create views that are dynamic and respond to user input, the concept of data binding is employed. This means that data from one source - such as an input field - is bound to something else - like a text box - so it displays your text spontaneously, something that couldn’t really be done in Rails without JavaScript.

In addition, two way data binding is used to keep data from a view synchronized with the data in a model. You can read more about data binding here on the Angular docs.

Angular is an extensive framework with a lot of moving parts. You can delve deeper by taking a look at the Angular documentation.

Mitul Mistry

Mitul Mistry
I’m Mitul Mistry, a full-stack developer and designer. Contact me here:

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